She Makes a Goal!

My youngest daughter is playing in a “just-for-fun” soccer league for the spring. Yesterday she had a makeup game, and at one point in the game, she broke free from the pack (4&5 year olds tend to move on the field like a school of fish). She took control of the ball, and even though the “school of fish” were soon close behind her, she kept focused on the goal. We all held our breath wondering if she would actually aim and if someone would catch up and take the ball away. She kept focused and SCORED!!! It was a wonderful moment, and one that she is still trying to milk for extras—-“Can I have a dessert because I scored a goal?”

The focus it took for her to make the goal reminded me of the focus we need to accomplish our goals. We must not worry about the “school of fish” around us, and many times we need to break away from the norm to actually make a difference.

I want to be the person who makes the goal!

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