Welcome to Homeschool Mentor Group!
If you purchased this as a gift, click here for a printable gift notification. (The information below will be emailed to your recipient on December 30th.)
I am so excited to have you join me for this quarter’s Homeschool Mentor Group!
Please save these dates for our live meetings:
- Wednesday, January 15, 7-9pm
- Wednesday, February 19, 7-9pm
- Wednesday, March 19, 7-9pm
All our meetings will be held at the Essential Church School offices in Eagle Point. I will send you email reminders with directions and information before each meeting date.
You will also receive a link to our private Facebook group for questions and interaction throughout the quarter. If you are not currently a part of Facebook, please consider joining for the next few months. You will miss an important part of our group if you are not connected in this way.
Click here to download my FREE ebook, and the first part of your journey this quarter. You can begin working through the reading. Take a few days per section to allow time for the information to sink in and stick. This will be the primary piece of our first live meeting.
So excited to start up everything on January 1st! Please watch your email box for our initial communication!
Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns at any time: info@kristytrent.com