What NOT to do during Fall Break

It’s the end of our Fall Break from schoolwork.  Haven’t accomplished much…which is fine until I realize that there is no milk, a file of schoolwork to grade, and a foul smell coming from my laundry room.  What went wrong?  Shouldn’t I be relaxed and ready to start school on Monday?  Isn’t that the point of taking a break anyway?

What NOT to do

So, here’s my list of what NOT to do during Fall Break:

1.  Sleep in EVERY day

Ok, I have to get at least a couple of days that are free-flowing!  So, I’ve learned to schedule a few days that are just that – free of a set schedule.  BUT, it is very wise to try to get everyone back to the wake up routine especially as you near the end of the break.

2.  Stop doing chores

Amazing how quickly that kitchen sink fills up with dirty dishes!  On top of that, I have my children come to me and say that they are bored.  When I mention folding clothes or emptying the dishwasher, it is like I just violated their special week.  Let your family know that school break does not give us a full break from EVERYTHING.

3.  Stay in the house

I wake up and think about how nice it would be to go to the zoo.  Inevitably, someone wakes up with a bad attitude, or I realize that I didn’t get any picnic lunch items when I was out last week.  I give up the idea and decide I’ll try again tomorrow.  My children and I start to bicker and complain.  Yes, me too!  We need at least one day away from the ordinary.

4.  Leave your children alone

My zoo plan has fizzled, and I sit down at the computer to find an engaging conversation on Facebook.  I grab my coffee and giggle inwardly at the conversation online.  My children run around me.  They ask me to watch TV, and I give a nod.  Suddenly, it’s 5 o’clock and a day has gone by with no interaction with my children.

5.  Make no plan

I usually have some dream of what Fall Break will bring for me.  I think of that project I can complete and how clean my house can be with my full attention on its care.  Some of you may be better than me, but without a plan, I am simply walking around in circles!

6. Ditch all routines

This is an especially bad no-no for those with little ones, but my older children, and even I, need to keep some consistent routines.  We need to keep those good habits that I have worked so hard to establish during our school days.  Those bad habits sneak back in so quickly!

Since I started writing this post, I have re-established some order in my house, and the laundry room is not so smelly.  Still have to hit the schoolwork and work on that grocery list!  Welcome back to the real world!


Question:  What are other things NOT to do during Fall Break?  Help the rest of us who haven’t quite learned all the lesson yet!  Click here to share your thoughts.

Image courtesy of artur84 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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