First Day Fun
With the inspiration of Pinterest, even a homeschool family can celebrate the First Day of School! I wanted to share with you our First Day fun.
I’d love to say that I spent hours putting together a fun-filled celebration, but I didn’t. To be honest, late on Sunday evening, I started printing off ideas that I have collected or found.
Here are my “hacks.” So, if you are at the night before, turn on your printer and grab some scissors and start putting it together!
Photo Fun
With Instagram and Facebook, you can join the First Day fun. Show off your students too.
I love these FREE printable photo props from iheartnaptime.
I printed the necessary signs and cut them the night before. We started our day with breakfast and getting dressed (and no I didn’t plan the coordinating colors). I just started snapping whoever would stand still.
Memories Fun
I’m not able to record every single moment, and I was happy to find these printable interviews for the first day of school AND the last day of school. A great way to take note of growth and personality changes.
Again, I printed out the pages the night before and laid them out for my children to see in the morning. I was actually surprised by how much they enjoyed the activity of seeing how tall they were and how much they weighed and of sharing their personal preferences and thoughts.
I have placed them in a 3 ring binder for storage and easy access. I also went ahead and saved the set from Positively Splendid’s website, so I wouldn’t have to hunt the link down later. Going to make this a biannual activity for us.

Snack Fun
I did print some of these labels to attach to a snack for the afternoon. I hid them away and forgot them until several days later. So, my advice is to keep them sitting out for the day!
Other Fun
If you are on Pinterest, you can simply put “First Day of School ideas” in the search box to find a TON of ideas. Some require preparation, but there are lots that only require a printer.
I used several ideas from eighteen25 for our first day of school this year:
Let’s Chat: Do you have First Day rituals? Click here to share your fun ideas.
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