God Knows
It has been a trying week for me. One of those weeks filled with emotion. Extreme highs and extreme lows.
As I struggled through a particularly disheartening issue, my eyes caught a glimpse of this card that had been thrown in our trash can:
Many of you will see this card and immediately see the sentence, “I know I AM.”
I did not see this sentence. I saw two sentences, “I know. I AM.”
I was immediately moved by the direct message from my God. He knows!
He knows the struggles I have with getting it all done. He knows the people who misunderstand my heart and motives. He knows the pain of my heartbreak. He knows the things that I complete and the things I leave behind. He knows the ruins of dreams and visions that lie around me.
AND…He is I AM. He is everything and anything I need at that moment. He will listen to my crazy thoughts and emotions. He will give me exactly what my heart needs for that moment. He doesn’t condemn me. He covers me with His love and gently leads me to Truth.
I hope this card will bring you to the same realization today. He knows where you are and what you are experiencing deep inside, AND He is exactly what you need for that moment.
Let’s Chat: Have you experienced a moment that reminded you of His love and concern? Click here to share your moment.
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