A Groundhog’s Shadow

It’s almost Groundhog Day!  I love this little holiday, and today as I looked through holiday books, I found the book, Gregory’s Shadow, by Don Freeman.

I find books like this at book sales and put them in our personal library for easy access when needed.  In this wonderful world of information, I look up activities and even printables online. Here are a few that I found to go with this sweet, little book:

Live Oak Media offered a simple pdf with discussion questions, vocabulary, and activity ideas to go with the book.  I personally liked the idea about making shadow puppets.



I also found an official groundhog website that is packed with ideas and activities for all ages.   We will probably try our hand at making Thumbprint Groundhogs using their free printable.  I just went ahead and printed 4 copies as soon as I found it!Make a Thumbprint Groundhog!

These simple activities will probably be just enough to enjoy a celebration and educational moment.  Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the things that can be done, but it always best to keep it simple.  This is after all an extra, not an essential.  AND, I want to have my children begging for more!

Hope you can also use these ideas to make a memory with your children!  If you want more ideas, make sure you visit my Pinterest board to see my collection of other ideas to pull from another time….or ideas I can use when they are begging to learn more!

Let’s Chat:  Do you stop to celebrate these little holidays?  Share your thoughts below.

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