Parental Rights Amendment
As a result of the political climate of our country, I have made myself become more aware of the decisions that our Representatives and Senators are making on our behalf. Especially after our recent family field trip to Jamestown and Williamsburg, I am even more sure that God has given us these freedoms, and we really don’t need to take them for granted. Of course, there is only so much that we can do without devoting our every waking moment to watching CNN or Congressional videos.
I have chosen to connect with groups that I trust to do the legwork and let me know if and when I can make a difference. I have been a member of the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) for over 5 years, and I have been impressed with their ability to keep on top of the laws and bills involving not only homeschooling, but also families in general, that are running through Congress and our state legislature. In this past year, HSLDA founded an organization to promote the passing of a Parental Rights Amendment to the Constitution, and please make sure you take some time to visit
The Parental Rights Amendment would simply guarantee that parents can continue to make decisions regarding the education and upbringing of their children. There is nothing that specifically states this right in the Constitution, and the UN (United Nations) has recently approved a document that states otherwise—giving this right to the government. If the U.S. agrees to abide by the UN’s legislation, then our parental rights would be in jeopardy UNLESS there was a Constitutional amendment that specifically details these rights.
I have agreed to become a 10-and-2 representative and spread the word about this amendment. I would encourage you to sign the petition online, or I have a hard copy you can sign. Also, if you would like to donate as little as $1 to help fund this movement, you can give me that donation or donate online. I also have stamped postcards that you can sign and send to your U.S. Representatives and Senators. These are just a few little things you can do to make a difference and let your voice be heard. In addition, if you would like to be a 10-and-2 representative, you can visit the website for all the details, and I also have an informational sheet as well. Or, you can simply forward this information to as many people as you know!
At least, please sign the petition! Actually anyone aged 13 or over can sign the petition, so get your children involved. This will ultimately effect them anyway.
Thank you for your consideration and action, and if you are moved to become more aware of the political climate, sign up at for updates and ways to contact your representatives.