When to Set It Aside
It’s been a few weeks without a post. My life has been filled with graduations, special programs and activities, as well as the ending of school days.
There are times when perfect balance is impossible. Something has to be set aside for a time.
I love sharing the knowledge I have gained with you. I love being able to help others not stumble like I did. This blog is not my primary life focus though. I had to set it aside for more important things and people.
I have four beautiful children and a very handsome husband. They have to come first. I have wonderful family and friends that are more important than stopping to share my thoughts with the world.
It is so hard to keep priorities straight, and I will not pretend to have it all figured out. I have learned to go with the flow though. There are moments when certain activities call for more attention and focus. It is ok to adjust the balance to fit the day’s needs.
The struggle comes with discerning the adjustments and making sure the right things are tabled or put aside as needed. For instance, deciding to not write a blog post makes a much less difference in my world than not preparing dinner for my family.
A few years ago my mom recommended a book for me to read. It stated a lot of things I knew, but it helped me to more clearly see the priorities in my life. I now recommend it for homeschooling moms.
The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management by Hyrum W. Smith is a great resource. The “laws” give guidelines and direction in setting your priorities and recognizing the most important parts of your life.
So, I did step away from the blog for a few weeks, but I’m coming back! Activities required my time and focus, but I am excited and eager to share experiences with you. Hope you are ready for more.
As I enter the summer break, I will be re-evaluating my priorities and my goals. I may lay a few things to the side as I clean out a closet or create a lesson plan or read books to my people. But, the important things will stay the important things.
Don’t be afraid to set something aside for a time. It might be just what you need to renew your passion for a comeback.