Sky Guide {App of the Month}
There is nothing as beautiful as a clear winter sky. The stars seem so much brighter and even closer. With Sky Guide, we have learned about the stars and lights we are seeing. We even get information on what we can’t see with our eyes.
Sky Guide has been a favorite app as we have studied astronomy this year. It has helped us recognize more than a few constellations and allowed us to locate planets and specific stars.
Opening the Sky Guide app on my phone, it uses my location to display the sky that the phone is facing. I can easily find North, the horizon, and even view the sky on the other side of Earth!
The sky is displayed with all the stars in their places. Even in daytime, I can see where constellations and the Milky Way are located without seeing them with my eyes.
When I come to a constellation, the app actually connects the stars for me to see the picture it represents. I can tap the constellation’s name to learn more about its story.
Sky Guide also shows where the planets are in the sky. Clicking on the planet name will give you lots of scientific information, as well as a short history and detail of the planet. For example, I just learned that 1 day on Venus is equal to over 116 days on Earth!
Our astronomy curriculum required several nighttime viewings, and this app was a lifesaver for me. As a teacher, it was great to be able to confirm that we were looking at the right star or constellation. I was also able to use the in-app information to encourage discussion.
This isn’t a learning app that gets deleted once we finish astronomy. It will stay on my phone for those beautiful clear nights when I stop to admire the beauty of the lights God created.
Let’s Chat: What other sky guides have you used? Click here to share your thoughts.
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Images are courtesy of Fifth Star Labs.
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