The Process
For Bible study, I simply read a chapter of the Bible each day with my elementary and middle school student. As I looked at Bible curriculum, I felt strongly that our children needed to hear the Source, and not someone’s commentary about God’s Word. I have found that again He uses our studies to speak to me personally.
Today we read this verse from Deuteronomy 7:
The Lord God will drive out those nations before you, little by little. You will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once, or the wild animals will multiply around you.
As I explained this to my student, I realized the truth of God’s process in my life and in creation. A caterpillar is not instantly changed into a butterfly. There is a time of cocoon and careful re-purposing. God is not going to change me or my circumstances instantly without preparing me to inhabit the “land,”or the new things, safely and effectively.