15 Years

Wow, my husband and I have made it through 15 years of life together!  As I look back over our time as a married couple, I am thankful for God’s grace that enabled us to stand together during some really rough times.  He also gives my husband the strength to endure as I struggle to define who I am as a wife, mother, and overall person.  Seriously, you know it is not easy!  Marriage is committing to live life – for better of for worse – with that other person.

I remember vaguely the first years of marriage and how I struggled with my own agendas and desires.  So hard for two to become one!  How often I wanted to just do what I wanted!  I was blessed to read and be challenged by Stormie Omartian’s Power of a Praying Wife.  This book helped me to re-focus from me to us.  Would love to say that I was instantly the perfect wife and partner, but unfortunately no…

I remember that, at about 7years or so, we hit a time when I thought we were destined for an awful life.  I couldn’t seem to get him to see MY point of view.  We were struggling with life roles again, and on top of that, it seemed that nothing was going our way.  I wonder if God didn’t just jump in and make us have to work together as we dealt with a new baby and 3 homes in a year.  Somehow, we seemed closer and stronger through the faith walk we were forced to endure together.

Recently, we have had other struggles as we have welcomed not one, but two babies into our home. (Really, God, twins?)  We have also seen several of our close friends struggle through divorce.  The reality that we are in a battle for our marriage has brought us to a new place and a new commitment.

This summer I have been reading For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn and have been challenged further in my role as a wife.  I have a different perspective as I learn more about my husband’s needs and desires; I want to do all I can to strengthen our bond.  Of course, it helps that I have a wonderful man that wants to learn and grow with me as we continue to learn new things about each other and about the commitment that marriage is.

Thank you, Michael, for 15 years, and it is my prayer that we will have many more 15 year anniversaries!  Our next 15 years will bring the release of two children into adulthood and possibly even grandchildren!!!  OK, I’ll slow down….let’s keep taking it a day at a time!  Still learning and growing….


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