4 Ways I Use Technology to Organize Life
You can use technology to organize life. Yes, it can be time-consuming and even frustrating at times. But, the benefits of having a few important things at your fingertips are wonderful!
It’s that time of year when everyone starts planning, organizing, and readjusting. So, why not try out a new way?
Here are a few simple tools that I use to organize my life:
I already introduced you to Workflowy in a previous post. It is a very simple and clean application that I use to make lists. I can see my list at any time. Because it is Internet-based, I can view it on my phone or on my computer. And, any changes I make are made for all viewing options.
My recent project, Christmas, had its own list with names, gifts for each name, and even marked if wrapped or not. I love that I can quickly mark off the items in a list and see them disappear. It is always good to see work disappear, huh?
Managing Calendars
I have used Google Calendar for a very long time. I love the way I can color code and share the calendars as needed. I can even share single events.
This school year I have actually used Google Calendar to assign schoolwork and chores for each week. Why? It is also an Internet-based app. My girls can view it on a phone, iPod, and our computer. They don’t have to ask me what to do each day, and I can quickly see what I need to do as well! We all need ways to minimize the questions, right?
Meal Planning
I am now using an online recipe and meal planner called Pepperplate. I enjoy Pepperplate, because it is also clean and simple. I can view it from anywhere, because it’s on the Internet. I’ll probably share more in another post about how I use it.
Pepperplate’s recipe list allows me to import my own recipes. I can add Grandma’s sugar cookie recipe AND the lastest recipe I discovered through Pinterest.
Pepperplate’s planner feature allows me to set up weekly meal plans. This saves time and money for my family. We are not running for fast food, because we know there is a meal planned for the night. With a family of six, fast food is expensive!
Homeschool Plans
I left the hard copy planbook behind several years ago. Currently, we use Homeschool Skedtrack for online homeschool planning and records. This FREE service offers a simple way to organize schoolwork, but it also offers flexibility. If we don’t get to Spanish for a few months, I can quickly pick up where we left off!
Homeschool Skedtrack keeps track of grades, time, and attendance. It is also available to me and my children for checking assignments when we are on the go. This has been an invaluable resource for me!
Organizing Life
I don’t even know that it is possible to completely organize life. It is so random and often hard to maintain. But, these tools can keep you flexible and ready for the unexpected.
Don’t try them all today! Give each tool a little individual time. Technology needs to become familiar. You need to make it fit your own flow of life.
Let’s Chat: How do you use technology to organize life? Please share your favorite tools!
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